“Rivendell” – Biggs Picture Jasper, Large Polished Piece



“Rivendell” – Biggs Picture Jasper, Large Polished Piece, Biggs Junction, Oregon. Found, cut and polished as shown circa 2002. 4 1/2″ maximum horizontal dimension x 3 1/2″ maximum vertical dimension x 4 1/2 millimeters thick, as shown in images. 2.5 ounces (72 grams). Named “Rivendell” by our source for it, since it does seem to bring to mind the elven haven of that name from the work of Tolkien. Biggs Jasper, first found in Biggs Junction in 1960, is a uniquely patterned and colored form of the mineral jasper. It was formed from volcanic ash which underwent sequential compressions, and has a complex geomorphology. Because of its size and remarkably apt name, we simply display this large (4 1/2″ along the longest dimension, as shown) piece; it is, however, large enough to be shaped into one or more pieces of jewelry by a lapidary or jewelry specialist. Ships in stout protection, of course. LOksh1