Large 6.31 Carat Bixbite “Red Emerald” (Red Beryl) Crystal with Matrix


SKU: SD-L4C6-D0S7 Category: Tag:


Large 6.31 Carat Bixbite “Red Emerald” (Red Beryl) Crystal with Matrix. of extreme rarity. Doubly terminated, midpoint fracture, rhyolite matrix intergrown in fracture. Source: Violet Claim, Wah Wah Mountains, Beaver County, Utah. A gemmy, big bixbite crystal, 6.31 carats including the rhyolite matrix portio. (see photos). Nice clarity compared to most of the bixbite I’ve personally seen. Fractured – long ago, since rhyolite entered the fracture, in situ – but doubly terminated. A scarce size and an interesting specimen; and, though I’m no lapidarist, probably excellent rough for cutting, as bixbite goes. Acquired at Syracuse Gem and Mineral Show ca. 2001. Crystal dimensions approximately 19 mm overall by 6 mm flat side to flat side. LGM